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How to Gain Administrator Privileges using a Guest Account in Windows 10 

Hello Readers .

As you are already aware of that the user with admin rights can change the password for other local users but did you know a local user can also hijack others account even the admin account without knowing their password.

Today we will talk about a windows 10 vulnerability through which one can access administrator privileges. Isnt’t it cool ?

The author at Google Security Research discovered this flaw and demonstrated that one can access admin privileges without knowing their passwords.

The vulnerability named as Windows COM Elevation of Prilivege Vulnerability. It affects almost all versions of windows 10 and windows 7.


Video Demonstrations


Gaining Admin Privileges (Admin Access)

First try to change password for other users using command prompt. You will see an error says that Access is Denied.

How To Gain Admin Access using a Guest Account in Windows 10 & 7 - Windows Vulnerability

Download the exploit “CVE-2017-0213_x64” from here and unzip in your PC. Go to the folder and you can find the .exe file, double click on it to run it.


Double clicking will open the command prompt with administrator privileges.


Now you can change any users password even the administrator password.


Watch  above Video for Demonstration.


Read Also : Kickout Unnecessary Users From WiFi Network

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Akshay Sharma

Inner Cosmos

19 thoughts on “How to Gain Administrator Privileges using a Guest Account in Windows 10 

  • Pingback: Top10 PowerFull DoS/DDoS Attack Tools for Linux,Windows & Android

  • Alexander

    Is there any possibility when i run the exe via a bat file to put in any arguments? Like net user “username” view.
    When i try that, the exe will only run and is not typing the command..

  • Vincent

    When trying to download chrome will not let me. How do I bypass it?

    • Laurent

      Try to use a proxy

  • What if I don’t have username also.?

  • Pingback: Fluxion - Hacking WiFi Passwords without Bruteforce/Dictionary Attack

  • windows defender and antivirus will block CVE-2017-0213_x64 how to solve this ?

  • nohbdy

    what If I just want to see the password and not change it?

  • now that i did the command above, how do i delete the user so i dont have to use a their password to get in the system

    • the command box just opens and shuts immediately…what to do???

  • Colm Murphy

    When I try to run the .exe after extracting, it says “Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.”

  • I cant get passed login screen so cant get to at least try im not in kowlage bout technoligy yet & i got my dell 2nd hand IDEARLY buy 1 of them fos RESET DISK or who would make me 1 dell will give if its bought new so i cant grt them help ANY1 help me

  • how can i unzip it withowt admin perms

  • The Command box opens and closes immediately what do i do?

  • Blizzard

    I saw you video trying to find a way to get stuff onto a school computer in class but i was wondering does it change the password for the admin or just myself. I just don’t want to get in trouble for changing the admins password

  • kali linux

    it do not open any cmd window?? plz reply


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