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RapidScan – The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner 2018

What is RapidScan ?

Rapidscan is a python based web application vulnerability scanner which supports many features. The final goal of this tool is to find all the vulnerabilities through automation as it runs multiple scanning tools to discover vulnerabilities. Due to running multiple scanning tools it can effectively judge false positives, collectively correlate results, all these under one roof. 

Rapidscan vulnerability scanner tool is equipped with many tools such as nmap, dnsrecon, wafw00f, uniscan, sslyze, fierce, lbd, theharvester, dnswalk, golismero etc.

Requirements of RapidScan – 
  • Python 2.7
  • Kali Linux (Recommended)
How To Install – 

Clone the tool from github by typing the below command

git clone https://github.com/skavngr/rapidscan.git

Now give executable permission to the file

chmod +x rapidscan.py
How RapidTool Scan Works / How to scan with Rapidscan – 

1. Execute the tool/script by typing the below command :

./rapidscan.py <target url>

RapidScan - The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner 2018

2. After executing the above command, the Rapidscan checks for all the available tools it requires for performing vulnerability assessment.

3. After checking the available tools, it will load around 80 vulnerability checks and scans for the vulnerabilities.

4. On scanning, the tool gives Vulnerability threat level, Vulnerability definition, Vulnerability Remediation.

5. It also categorizes the vulnerabilities as critical, high, medium, low.

6. After scan phase, it also generates a vulnerability scan report.

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RapidScan - The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner 2018

Features of RapidScan The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner – 
  • Installation in one step command
  • Runs multiple scanning tools for finding vulnerability and prints the results spontaneously.
  • The multi-tool web vulnerabiility scanner includes so many tools such as nmap, dnsrecon, wafw00f, uniscan, sslyze, fierce, lbd, theharvester, dnswalk, golismeroetc. All these tools are integrated in one entity
  • Rapidscan saves a lot of time of pentester.
  • Rapidscan checks for same vulnerabilities with multiple tools so that no false-positive occurs.
  • It categorize the vulnerability in different sections like critical, high, medium, low.
  • It also gives vulnerability description, definition and remediation to fix the vulnerability. 
What Vulnerability RapidScan Checks – 
  • It scans for DNS/HTTP Load Balancers & Web Application Firewalls.
  • It checks for Joomla, WordPress and Drupal
  • It also scans for SSL related Vulnerabilities (HEARTBLEED, FREAK, POODLE, CCS Injection, LOGJAM, OCSP Stapling).
  • Scans Commonly Opened Ports.
  • Checks DNS Zone Transfers using multiple tools (Fierce, DNSWalk, DNSRecon, DNSEnum).
  • Sub-Domains Brute Forcing.
  • Open Directory/File Brute Forcing.
  • Shallow XSS, SQLi and BSQLi Banners.
  • Scans for slow-Loris DoS Attack, LFI (Local File Inclusion), RFI (Remote File Inclusion) & RCE (Remote Code Execution).

Copyright (C) – https://github.com/sh4nx0r

Source – www.Github.com

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Akshay Sharma

Inner Cosmos

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