
Penetration Testing & Computer security – A Talk to Genuine Hacking

Cyber Security

Hi guys , i am going to talk about penetration testing and computer security. As we all know that now a days India is boosting with  start up . It’s now becoming a new era of full of tech and startups . Every second guys now a days want to be an entrepeneur. Well this is not a topic of out scope . The main thing that i want to describe is that will growing these tech fields there is a bulk of security holes are missing these days . In the rapid flow of development a large portion of them are missing the security or secure coding. Hence they can easily be exploited doing some research .

Leaving penetration testing if we come to the security part It is divided into 5 parts actually that are :-

  1. Web security
  2. System security
  3. Network security
  4. IOT security
  5. Application security

Well talking about these in details , we all know about the web security i.e protecting the websites it is the most interested part of hackers. Now comes the system security that consists of system related issues like handing malware ,backdoors , rootkits and all (you must have heard about it).

Now comes the Network security that consists of network like wifi security, routers , modems and all .

In IOT  security , IOT stand for Internet of things consisting raspberrypi , arduino and all. Well talking about IOT if we take and very basic example :- suppose you want to control your fan , refrigerator just via your phone or a single pocket device , so these thing comes under the IOT .

Application security consists of security the mobile application like android security, windows security , iOS app security.

so that it doesn’t get exploited!

Well i have some given the overview of the fields, i will post more about these more precisely in the upcoming posts!

Stay updated!

Akshay Sharma

Inner Cosmos

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