What is Cross-site scripting (XSS) ? Impact, Remediation and Prevention

Cross-site scripting, commonly known as XSS, is a type of vulnerability that involves injecting malicious code into a website or web application. This code is executed by the user’s web browser, allowing the attacker to gain access to sensitive information, such as login credentials and personal data.

XSS attacks are a common type of web application vulnerability, and they can have serious consequences for both individuals and organizations. In this article, we will explore the different types of XSS attacks, their impact, and ways to prevent and remediate them.

What is Cross-site scripting (XSS) ?

Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities arise when a web application includes user-supplied input in its output without properly validating or sanitizing it. This allows an attacker to insert malicious code into the website, which is then executed by the victim’s web browser when they visit the affected page. The code can be anything from a simple script that displays a pop-up message to more complex code that steals sensitive information from the victim’s browser.

How Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability works

To understand how cross-site scripting attacks work, it is important to first understand the basics of how web applications work. When a user visits a website, their web browser sends a request to the website’s server, which responds by sending back the requested webpage. The webpage is then rendered by the user’s web browser, allowing the user to interact with it.

In a cross-site scripting attack, the attacker crafts a malicious script and injects it into the website or web application. This is typically done by including the script in a user-supplied input field, such as a search box or comment form. When the victim visits the affected page, their web browser executes the malicious script, allowing the attacker to gain access to the victim’s sensitive information.

Examples of Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability

  • A website that allows users to post comments without any input sanitization or validation, allowing attackers to insert malicious JavaScript code into the comments section that can be executed by other users.
  • A web application that allows users to submit URLs as part of their profile information, but does not properly validate the URLs for harmful content. This could allow an attacker to submit a URL that redirects users to a malicious website or injects malicious code into the web application.
  • A web application that allows users to upload files, but does not properly validate the files for malicious content. This could allow an attacker to upload a file containing malicious JavaScript code that is executed by other users.
  • A web application that allows users to submit search queries, but does not properly validate the queries for harmful content. This could allow an attacker to submit a search query that includes malicious JavaScript code, which is then executed by other users.
  • A web application that allows users to submit forms, but does not properly validate the input fields for harmful content. This could allow an attacker to submit a form with malicious JavaScript code in one of the input fields, which is then executed by other users.

Types of Cross-site scripting (XSS)

There are several different types of XSS attacks, each with different characteristics and implications. Some of the most common types of XSS attacks include:

1. Reflected XSS

In this type of XSS, the attacker injects malicious code into a website or web application through a user input, such as a search bar or comment field. The malicious code is then reflected back to the user’s browser, where it is executed. This type of XSS is typically carried out through phishing attacks or malicious links.

2. Stored XSS

In this type of XSS, the attacker injects malicious code into a website or web application and stores it in the database or server. This code is then executed every time a user accesses the affected page. This type of XSS is typically carried out through SQL injection attacks.

3. DOM-based XSS

In this type of XSS, the attacker manipulates the Document Object Model (DOM) of a website or web application to inject malicious code. The code is executed in the user’s browser, allowing the attacker to access sensitive information or perform other malicious actions.

4. Blind XSS:

In this type of XSS, the attacker injects malicious code into a website or web application without the user’s knowledge. The code is executed in the user’s browser, allowing the attacker to access sensitive information or perform other malicious actions. This type of XSS is particularly difficult to detect and mitigate because it does not produce any visible effects on the affected website or web application.

Vulnerable Code (Example) for Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability

Source: https://www.imperva.com/
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>XSS Vulnerable Code</title>
<h1>Welcome to our website!</h1>
<!-- Vulnerable Code -->
Enter your name: <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $_GET['name']; ?>">
// Output user-submitted data
echo "Hello, " . $_GET['name'];

In this code, the user-submitted data is directly echoed back to the page without any sanitization or validation. This allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts into the page through the “name” parameter in the form, which will be executed by the user’s browser. For example, an attacker could enter the following as their name:

<script>alert("XSS attack!")</script>

This script will be executed when the page is loaded, displaying an alert message to the user. This can potentially lead to further harm, such as stealing sensitive information or redirecting the user to a malicious website.

Another Vulnerable Code for Cross-site scripting (XSS)

The following code is vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks:

  var userInput = prompt("Enter your name:");
  document.write("Hello, " + userInput + "!");

This code prompts the user for their name and then displays a greeting using the user’s input. However, the user’s input is not sanitized, meaning that an attacker can enter malicious JavaScript code as their name and it will be executed on the page.

For example, an attacker could enter the following as their name:

"><script>alert('XSS attack!')</script>

This would cause the page to display a pop-up alert with the message “XSS attack!” when the user visits the page. This is just one example of how an attacker could use this vulnerability to inject malicious code onto the page and potentially steal sensitive information or perform other malicious actions.

Impact of Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability

XSS vulnerabilities can have significant impacts on both the targeted individual and the organization hosting the vulnerable website. Some potential impacts include:

1. Theft of sensitive information

XSS vulnerabilities can be used to steal sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial data. This can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and other types of damage to the affected individual.

2. Damage to the organization’s reputation

If a website with an XSS vulnerability is hacked and sensitive information is stolen, this can damage the organization’s reputation and trust with its customers and clients.

3. Loss of control over the website

XSS vulnerabilities can be used to insert malicious code onto a website, allowing attackers to take control of the website and use it for their own purposes. This can lead to the website being used for phishing attacks, spamming, or other types of malicious activities.

4. Legal liabilities

In some cases, organizations may face legal liabilities if they fail to adequately protect sensitive information or if their websites are used for illegal activities.

Overall, XSS vulnerabilities can have serious consequences for both individuals and organizations, and it is important to take steps to prevent and mitigate these vulnerabilities.

Prevention of Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability

XSS vulnerabilities can be prevented by implementing the following measures:

1. Input validation

This involves checking user input to ensure that it matches the expected format and rules. For example, if a field is expected to only contain alphanumeric characters, any input containing special characters or HTML tags should be rejected.

2. Sanitization

This involves removing any potentially dangerous elements from user input before it is displayed on a web page. For example, HTML tags or JavaScript code should be stripped out to prevent them from being executed.

3. Output encoding

This involves converting special characters in user input into a safe format before it is displayed on a web page. For example, the “<” character should be encoded as “<” to prevent it from being interpreted as the start of an HTML tag.

4. Use of a web application firewall (WAF)

A WAF can be configured to block known XSS attacks and provide additional protection against new and unknown threats.

5. Content Security Policy (CSP)

This is a security measure that allows web developers to control the sources of content that are allowed to be loaded on a page. It can be used to prevent the execution of malicious code from untrusted sources.

6. Regular security updates

It is important to keep the web application and its dependencies up-to-date with the latest security patches and fixes. This reduces the likelihood of vulnerabilities being exploited by attackers.

7. Security testing

Regular security testing can help identify and fix vulnerabilities in the web application before they can be exploited by attackers. This can include penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and code review.

Remediation of Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability

1. Identify the vulnerability

The first step in remediation of an XSS vulnerability is to identify where the vulnerability exists in the system. This can be done through manual testing or by using automated tools such as scanners and penetration testing tools.

2. Remove the vulnerability

Once the vulnerability has been identified, the next step is to remove it from the system. This can be done by fixing the code that is causing the vulnerability, or by implementing security measures such as input validation and sanitization to prevent malicious input from being executed on the system.

3. Monitor and test

After the vulnerability has been removed, it is important to continuously monitor the system and test it to ensure that the vulnerability does not re-occur. This can be done through regular security audits and penetration testing.

4. Educate and train

In order to prevent future XSS vulnerabilities, it is important to educate and train staff and developers on secure coding practices and the importance of input validation and sanitization.

5. Implement security policies

In addition to training and education, it is important to implement security policies and guidelines that outline best practices for preventing XSS vulnerabilities. This includes policies for coding, testing, and monitoring of the system.

Open Source Tools for finding Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability


Dalfox is a tool for identifying and exploiting XSS vulnerabilities on web applications. It uses a search engine-like approach to crawl web pages and identify potential XSS injection points. Once identified, it can be used to test and verify the vulnerability, and provide suggestions for potential fixes. It is a powerful tool for security professionals and web developers to ensure the security of their web applications.


Knoxss is a tool developed by a Brazilian security researcher named Rodolfo Assis. This tool has a high level of confidence by design. It has almost zero false positive rate (since it has to pop the alert box to prove vulnerability) and low false negative rate regarding its XSS coverage. Its extensive list of covered XSS cases also makes it the best option out there for this kind of vulnerability.


XSStrike is a Cross Site Scripting detection suite equipped with four hand written parsers, an intelligent payload generator, a powerful fuzzing engine and an incredibly fast crawler.

Instead of injecting payloads and checking it works like all the other tools do, XSStrike analyses the response with multiple parsers and then crafts payloads that are guaranteed to work by context analysis integrated with a fuzzing engine.

Overall, XSSStrike is a valuable tool for penetration testers and security researchers looking to identify and exploit XSS vulnerabilities in web applications.


XSS vulnerabilities are a serious security threat to web applications. They allow attackers to inject malicious code into web pages, which can be used to steal sensitive information, manipulate data, or even redirect users to malicious sites. These vulnerabilities are commonly found in websites that accept user-generated content, such as forums, blogs, and social networking sites.

To prevent XSS attacks, developers must properly sanitize user-generated content, implement input validation, and use a web application firewall. Regular security assessments and testing should also be performed to identify and fix any potential vulnerabilities.

Overall, it is important for organizations to prioritize the protection of their web applications from XSS vulnerabilities to ensure the safety and security of their users and sensitive data.

Cross-site scripting FAQ

What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?

How does XSS differ from other types of attacks?

XSS attacks differ from other types of attacks in that they involve injecting code into a website or web application, rather than directly accessing or manipulating the website’s data or resources. This code is executed on the user’s device, rather than on the website’s server.

What are the common types of XSS attacks?

How can I prevent XSS attacks?

Can XSS attacks be detected and prevented?

Akshay Sharma

Inner Cosmos

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